Help us protect patients and staff
Latest health precautions
Visitor policies are subject to change depending on current levels of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. For up-to-date information on visitor policies related to health and safety, please click below.
To reduce the spread of respiratory viruses, we don't allow children younger than 5 to visit patients in our hospitals from Nov. 1日至5月1日. 游客 may need to complete a health screening questionnaire or follow other precautions.
If you have a cough or other symptoms of a respiratory illness, please delay your visit until you're well.
Smoking in and around our hospitals and affiliated sites is prohibited. Nicotine replacement products are available in the hospital gift shops.
Visiting hours and limits
加州大学旧金山分校健康's regular hospital visiting hours are 8 a.m. 到10点.m. Individual departments may have their own visiting hours. For more details, see below.
Adult inpatients (including labor and delivery)
- 探视时间:上午8点.m. - 10 p.m.
- No maximum number of visitors per day. Depending on the room size, patients may be limited to no more than two visitors at the bedside at any given time. 病人 may be allowed one overnight visitor or caregiver, per unit discretion.
Adult emergency departments
- Visiting hours: All hours
- Maximum of one visitor at a time
- Visiting hours: During surgery hours
- 最多一名访客
- 游客 may be asked to wait in designated areas
You may visit a patient remotely (via real-time video) instead of in person. Please ask our staff for help arranging a video visit.
Accompanying patients to appointments
病人 may have someone accompany them during clinic appointments. If a patient would like more than one person there, please check whether the clinic can accommodate this. Additional friends and family members may be allowed to enter the exam room if space permits. Otherwise, they are welcome in designated waiting areas.
信息部门 are located in the lobbies of many of our medical facilities. Desk staff can provide information on lodging and dining, 方向, the drop-off and pick-up of patients, 和更多的.
(415) 476-1540
(415) 514-2028
(415) 353-1664
(415) 353-2869
(415) 353-9548
Before surgery, patients check in and wait for their procedures in a dedicated surgical waiting area. When the surgical team and operating room are ready, we escort the patient to the operating room.
In some surgical waiting areas, one friend or family member may remain in the waiting area during the patient's procedure. In others, due to space constraints, we require friends and family members to wait elsewhere.
As a courtesy to patients who must fast before surgery, please don't bring food or beverages into waiting areas.